
But as far as I can tell, [list] doesn't do any conversion at its outlet--
everything it outputs will have the selector "list", and it's up to other
objects like [route] to do any conversion they deem necessary.

For example, take the bug with sigbinops:

   [put anything you want in this message box(
[+~ ]

error: inlet: expected 'signal' but got 'list'

[1, 1 2, a, a b, a 2 b (
[list ]
[print ]

gives the following (0.42-5):

print: 1
print: 1 2
print: symbol a
print: list a b
print: list a 2 b

so [list ] does some kind of conversion. what i don't understand is why there is no selector printed in the first two messages, where only numbers are present.

anyways, you should provide [+~ ] operator with an argument if you want it to expect messsages instead of a signal (check help patch) :-)

