On Jul 21, 2017, at 11:47 AM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:

Dan, that looks very similar to what I posted on Pd-dev a few weeks back.
I agree with your mention of lacking discussion, because there was no reply to my mails either.


The fabulous SVG export plugin [1] from IOhannes not only saves you one step of conversion, it also had better results for me that actually looked like the Pd gui, not some abstract version of it like when using the PostScript output.

Yeah, there were several things put out there but they got buried a bit and not everyone saw them which is why I'm bringing this up.

Your icon version looks a bit slimmer (Font and lines of the box) then what I got. I'm not sure why this is, it might be either because you are on Mac OS, or because you used the PostScript export.

The font size of the patch is 16 to get the proportions right which is why the outline seems slimmer. 

Your version also has not the typical shadow that Mac OS icons seem to have.

This icon is meant for all platforms (some of which do not use shadows) and there is no hard requirement for mac icons to have a shadow. My proposal reflects the most basic/conservative update in keeping with the current vanilla icon.

Dan Wilcox