You might get more traction by opening an issue on the libPD4unity Github repository and providing a test patch/patches which show the issue. It may be a problem with the unity wrapper or the underlying C# wrapper, but I would start with the Unity layer first.

On Mar 8, 2017, at 4:00 AM, wrote:

From: "Scott R. Looney" <>
Subject: Re: [PD] libPD4unity and reading sample arrays
Date: March 7, 2017 at 5:59:05 AM MST
To: pd-list <>

continued testing reveals a strange behavior. i have been going between a test Unity project using libpd4Unity and my main project. if i go to this test project first and then return to my main project everything works one time - i get no loading errors. but as soon as i stop the scene playback and start it again, i get the errors on table loading again. i've tested it three times and it's strangely consistent. so maybe the table assignments aren't being purged correctly when i stop playback? that's all i can think. if it thought it was already assigned it might fail assigning again. just a thought.


Dan Wilcox