Hello to all.

I'm having problems trying to connect a unibrain's fire-i firewire board camera in GEM. When I send a   [driver 1(    message and then   [device /dev/video1394/0(   to pix_video i get :

initializing: Inappropriate ioctl for device

If I send [driver 0(   message I get

get capabilities: Inappropriate ioctl for device

The camera works under coriander no problem. I use it with openFrameworks also. It doesn't work with dvgrab.  http://www.unibrain.com/Products/Vision … e_i_BC.htm

A sony minidv firewire camera does work with pix_video however.

Since my Debian system is a mess I downloaded pure:dyne's leek and potato to test the camera and had the same results. The miso version gave the same results.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I've searched the mail archives and every resource I could think of. I'm new to linux so maybe I'm missing some basic stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Debian lenny/sid. Kernel 2.6.24
