Dear Dan,I’ve rechecked this ten times already.I’ve even made sample project in Objc, integrated libpd with cocapods and it worked as intended.Can someone recheck this? Maybe I’m doing something wrong?Thanks!ArtemOn 15 Jul 2018, 01:28 +0300, Dan Wilcox <>, wrote:_______________________________________________
Maybe string handling from Swift to libpd is messing up the path? I would double check the path and that you are creating the file in a *writable* location aka the app's Documents or temp folders.
On Jul 12, 2018, at 7:17 PM, wrote:
To:, IOhannes m zmölnig <>
Subject: Re: [PD] iOS: writesf~ problem
Message-ID: <8f71e953-8b31-43f0-8704-ae63d1f07beb@Spark>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I’ve increased value to 3e+08, and I waited for this recursion for a minute, it did not occur, but the file was not created.
I have Objective C written application, where everything works as intended, and my Swift version is stuck on this one.
Any more ideas? mailing list
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