Well, I've found the patch. It's this:

[phasor~ 1]
|   [0 0 1 -1 0(
|   /
|  /
|   [0\ <- increment multiplication
|   |
[*~ ]
[max~ 0]  remove negative dirac
[fexpr~ fmod($x[0]+&y[-1], 1)]  integration of the signal with a wrap

The comments are from the person who made, I'm sorry but can't remember who it is...

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Alexandros Drymonitis <adrcki@gmail.com> wrote:
If you have a [phasor~] controlling a bunch of stuff and you wanna to have lots of different frequencies, one way of doing this is:

[phasor~ 1]
[*~ 8]

which will increase the frequency by eight times. But if you wanna have a decimal number in [*~ ], say 11.7, then the last ramp of the increase will be cut at a certain point (here at 0.7, if I'm not mistaken). Someone once sent me a patch here in the list where he was doing this with [biquad~] and decimal increments were possible, but I can't find that patch anywhere, and I've no idea what coefficients I have to send to [biquad~] to achieve this. Anyone knows?