Also, there is currently a naming mismatch between the deken Github repo and pd vanilla. You need to rename the “deken-plugin.tcl” you downloaded fro GitHub to “pd_deken.tcl” and overwrite the pd_deken.tcl already in the Pure Data tcl directory, wherever the main Pd application has it’s resources. Then restart Pd.

We should rename deken to match the vanilla naming and possibly add a debug deken version post, so you can tell which version you are using...
Dan Wilcox

On Jun 10, 2016, at 11:33 AM, Dan Wilcox <> wrote:

On Jun 10, 2016, at 10:03 AM, wrote:

with the unzipped folder as it is at the location where deken-plugin used to be,
and rename the folder to deken.

no automatic unzipping.

Don’t forget to restart Pd so the plugin is reloaded.