> "medium", etc. because those numbers just mislead the user.
bugfinder code). Since objects are positioned at fixed coordinates in
reported by Tk. Why Tk gives size 11 when Pd wants 10 I don't know but
it is a bug and apart from the bug everything is totally accurate.
> 2) Font dialog number "10" in Vanilla may correspond to any font size that
> has
> a width less than or equal to 7 pixels (and height <= 13). That includes
> DejaVu Sans Mono at pixel size 11 on Raspbian. Since the text fits in the
> box in your screenshot we can tell Tk is measuring the actual font
> correctly. (Well, more or
> less-- what happens with a message box that has, say 50 lines?).
> 3) I can't figure out how pd_font_10 ends up with pixel size "11".
> 4) There are only two ways I can think of to fix this problem. One is to
> always
> size boxes according to fi_maxwidth and fi_maxheight. The other is to forgo
> the automated metrics and brute-force it so that DejaVu Sans Mono fits
> exactly
> into the hardcoded metrics of s_main.c. I chose the 2nd solution in the GUI
> port, but only because I have decimal pixel sizes to choose from. Tcl/tk
> doesn't
> let you do that.
> I'll check again but I think my method looks fine on Raspbian as well as
> Ubuntu.
> I also played around with Droid Sans Mono Dotted because it has CJK
> characters. But DejaVu Sans Mono evidently has them, too-- or at least when
> I copy/paste them they show up correctly. (Perhaps there's some kind of
> fallback mechanism that I'm not seeing.) Those characters open up a
> wellspring of new problems. They are referred to as "full width", but take
> up something like 1.5x width of ascii characters. If you use them in
> any flavor of Pd they overflow the object/message box borders.
> -Jonathan
> On Thursday, October 8, 2015 2:53 AM, katja <
katjavetter@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Jonathan Wilkes <
jancsika@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Ok, try this in place of the command that was giving the error:
>> pdtk_post "rank tk speculation follows: [font actual [get_font_for_size
>> $font_size] -displayof $tkcanvas]\n"
> There you got it, inspector Wilkes! For Xubuntu the output is:
> rank tk speculation follows: -family {DejaVu Sans Mono} -size -10
> -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
> For Raspbian:
> rank tk speculation follows: -family {DejaVu Sans Mono} -size -11
> -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
> In both cases the font size menu says "10".
>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 4:33 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>> <
pd-list@lists.iem.at> wrote:
>> Sorry, I thought that would work. I'll sit down and wade through all the
>> indirection later to get a working debug printout.
>> -Jonathan
>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 4:26 PM, katja <
>> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 9:40 PM, Jonathan Wilkes <
>> wrote:
>>> For the official record-- I'm holding my tongue, in the hopes that when
>>> others look at the code
>>> in my GUI port they'll practice similar restraint.
>>> Ok, add this:
>>> pdtk_post "for real this time-- the actual font we are sending to tk is:
>>> [set [get_font_for_size $font_size]]\n"
>> Pd list is now looking at a line that doesn't work. The error is:
>> can't read "::pd_font_10": no such variable
>>> -Jonathan
>>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 3:19 PM, katja <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:37 PM, Jonathan Wilkes <
>>> wrote:
>>>> Silly me, I forgot this is Pd so it has to be way more complex than
>>>> that...
>>>> Add this line to pdtk_text_new in pdtk_text.tcl:
>>>> pdtk_post "the actual font we are sending to tk is: [get_font_for_size
>>>> $font_size]\n"
>>>> Now do the test I mentioned before.
>>> The answer is in both cases:
>>> "the actual font we are sending to tk is: ::pd_font_10"
>>>> -Jonathan
>>>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 2:16 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>>>> <
pd-list@lists.iem.at> wrote:
>>>> Hi katja,
>>>> Could you do a test? Make a simple patch with a single object in it,
>>>> and
>>>> use the same canvas font size you did above. Then run Pd with -d 3 flag
>>>> and
>>>> see what font size is actually being sent from Pd to the GUI on each
>>>> distro.
>>>> -Jonathan
>>>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 12:28 PM, katja <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> A particular font size issue can be observed in vanilla Pd and package
>>>> puredata on Raspbian Wheezy and Jessie: font size 10 is larger for
>>>> object boxes, message boxes and comments than for IEM guis (bang,
>>>> toggle, slider, radio button, canvas). Object/message/comment
>>>> characters are too large in number of pixels. When Edit > Font > Font
>>>> Size is set to 8, their size is identical to IEM gui font size 10.
>>>> This inconsistency does not happen for me on Xubuntu. A test patch and
>>>> two screenshots are attached for illustration.
>>>> For IEM guis, font size 10 translates to 6 pixels per character on
>>>> both systems, given the default font type DejaVu Sans Mono. For object
>>>> boxes, message boxes and comments, font size 10 is 6 pixels on Xubuntu
>>>> and almost 7 pixels on Raspbian.
>>>> I don't know if this issue is related to font size effects on Windows
>>>> as described by Roman in another thread. In any case, consequences are
>>>> similar: patches created on Xubuntu tend to look messy on Raspbian,
>>>> sometimes with overlapping texts. With XFCE (Xubuntu's default desktop
>>>> environment) installed on Raspbian the issue still persists. Custom
>>>> dpi setting has no effect on Pd. What else might cause the difference
>>>> in behavior on those systems?
>>>> Katja
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