On 08/03/14 21:13, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:you are right, or use [osc/packOSC] and [iemnet/udpsend] for these ones ..
On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 2:18 AM, Simon Wise<simonzwise@gmail.com> wrote:
On 08/03/14 06:24, Jonghyun Kim wrote:You'll have to explicitly import the mrpeach library, use [import mrpeach]
Thanks Chris for the answer! I was worried about compatibility with Pd.
How about OSC function with Pd? It's OSC works with [netsend] or
[your OSC message(
pd-osc: /usr/lib/pd/extra/osc/packOSC.pd_linux
pd-iemnet: /usr/lib/pd/extra/iemnet/udpsend.pd_linux
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