Hi, Peter.

If useful, Zavalishin has a normalised BP in a 2p2z state-variable filter based on the bilinear transform integrator (zero-delay feedback) and the output seems to be consistent. See 4.4: https://www.native-instruments.com/fileadmin/ni_media/downloads/pdf/VAFilterDesign_2.0.0a.pdf.

Attached here you'll find the Faust code for the filter; you can paste that on https://faust.grame.fr/ide/ and export a PD external. Unfortunately, you can't give options to the compiler in the web app so it will be single-precision, but it should still work without extreme settings.

Inputs are CF, Q, K (shelving boost, linear amp), input signal. Outputs are LP, HP, BP, BP (normalised), LShelf, HS, BS, notch, peak AP.


On Wed, 4 Mar 2020 at 12:21, Peter P. <peterparker@fastmail.com> wrote:
Hi list,

I am trying to calculate a makeup gain factor for white noise sent into
[bp~] and [vcf~] bandpass objects depending on the center frequency and
the Q (width) so that it measures the same in dBRMS before and after the
filter. I am currently measuring it but am wondering if
a.) this has been done before
b.) if there is an analytical solution to it already


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