Hi Miller,

thank you for answering my question. I see it now, it is actually stated a couple of times in the book that when multiplying complex sinusoids their magnitudes multiply and the angular frequency adds, and thus when multiplying a complex sinusoid by a unit magnitude and opposite frequency you get one with the magnitude of the first and zero frequency. Beautiful.

Thank you again for your answer and for the book!

El lun., 27 jul. 2020 a las 19:40, Miller Puckette (<msp@ucsd.edu>) escribió:
Hi Maxi -

When you modulate a complex sinusoid with another one you only get one
sideband, not both.  The sideband's frequency is the sum of the two
original frequencies - so if they're exact opposites you only get the
result at frequency zero.

This is one reason for using complex sinusoids instead of "normal", real-valued


On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 05:44:37PM +0200, Maximiliano Estudies wrote:
> Hey peeps,
> I have another question regarding "The Theory and Technique of Electronic
> Music". It is not directly related to pd, but I guess that many of you will
> know this stuff and might be able to help me. I hope it is ok.
> In the last paragraph of 9.1 (
> http://msp.ucsd.edu/techniques/latest/book-html/node164.html) the frequency
> of the modulating signal is defined as having negative frequency (in the
> book -*k??)*, why is that the case? wouldn't a sinusoid with positive
> frequency *k??* also give us two partials at 0 and 2*k??*?
> Cheers,
> Maxi
> --
> Maximiliano Estudies
> *VDT Referat Beschallung*
> +49 176 36784771
> omslo.com
> maxiestudies.com

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Maximiliano Estudies
VDT Referat Beschallung
+49 176 36784771