On 10/11/07, marius schebella <marius.schebella@gmail.com> wrote:
jared wrote:
> ....if its so fucking
> bad why would you want to visit?

Some people have the hope, the true situation would not be so depressing.

I think Europeans and Americans see American as bad in an abstract sense, in the sense of what it does to people who aren't there.  All the more reason to go there.  It's bad in the abstract, but pretty useful in the short term.

> .....but who
> is worse: the Idiot, or the guy who follows the idiot?

except for romania, there are not so many countries in the world, who
follow the US at the moment.

Ouch!  I just moved to Romania from the US...
But I don't think the question is what the government of a country endorses, it's a question of the social attitude and the - all together now - opportunity.  I suspect most non-Americans who go to the US do so hoping to benefit themselves, more than to enjoy the culture of the average citizens.

> I didn't vote for Bush...neither did half of the American
> voters...that's over 150 million United States citizens who didn't vote
> for Bush

I am not sure, how you calculate this. because in 2000 50mio people
voted for bush. which means 250mio citizens (including children and
non-voters) did not. 51mio voters voted actively against bush, 249 mio
citizens did not... (only 101mio people actively voted.)
for years later (due to his successful policy...), 62mio voted for bush.

Yes, alas, there may be 300 million citizens, but far less eligible voters, and even less active voters.  But perhaps the number who didn't vote present an even worse picture of American culture than the number who voted for Bush.

