On Fri, 2016-07-01 at 10:02 +0200, João Pais wrote:
> Hello list,
> I was trying to use zexy's scalarmult in windows, but due to its name
> being [.], it can initialize. There is a file called 0x2e.dll in the
> zexy folder which I suspect it might be it (?), but [zexy/0x2e]
> doesn't open as well:
> maximum object loading depth 1000 reached
> zexy/0x2e
> ... couldn't create
It seems you are using the 'extended' version of zexy available in
Deken. Try to use the vanilla version of zexy, currently 2.2.6, which
comes in the original multi-class format of zexy. It doesn't suffer
from the problem you describe.
Look for this: zexy/2.2.6svn (W32 binaries)
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