Howdy, trying to figure the relationship between constant-Q and FFT, and if you can make a constant-Q patch in vanilla based on [fft~]. This would be for an android app, so it'd be good if I didn't need an external.
I was checking the [constantq~] external, which is found
here and in 'deken'. it's based on a
paper by Puckette and Brown. I need help cause I can't read math or figure out code reasonably well, so I don't really know how it works. It seems it could be done just by rescaling the output of an FFT with logarithmic values, but I could be terribly wrong.
Thing is that I already have a pd patch with a logarithmic output
here - this is not vanilla, but made on extended, but easily adaptable for vanilla (I'm also attaching it).
Also, how about just having a bank of filters with center frequencies around the tempered scale, could you have in practice the same thing as from [constantq~]?