@Windows testers:

I had already written to Iain but in the mean time:

- place all files in a "s4pd" folder. (in the zip package the files are not contained in any folder).

- "s4pd-help.pd" seems was last edited with a dual monitor.

    Open "s4pd-help.pd" in a plain text editor and change all occurrences of

    "#N canvas $n $n ..."
    "#N canvas 265 42 ..."
- Or wait until a new updated package.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
On 11/23/2021 12:26 AM, Iain Duncan wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce that Scheme for Pd 0.1 is ready for regular users (I think.... really!). I have binaries up for Mac and Windows, and building from source on Linux should "just work". 

Scheme for Pd is a Pd port of (most of) Scheme for Max. It enables you to script and live code Pd with s7 Scheme, including working with the scheduler, hot reloading code, and running Scheme code in Pd as a repl. 

I'm pretty sure I've done the right thing for win32 and win64, one should be able to download the zip file, expand in your externals directory, add this directory to your Pd file paths, and be good to go. It would be lovely if a windows user can try this out and let me know either way.

Project page:


Special thanks:
Miller Puckette (of course) for answering questions while I figured it out.
Alex Torres Porres for helping test the packaging
Lucas Cordiviola for windows build help
Bill Schottstaedt for s7 Scheme

enjoy and please let me know how you make out!

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