The Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University invites applications from MA, MFA and PhD students with interests in digital culture, media arts and design, performance/creation, creative computing, and/or technology and culture-related topics.
The Milieux Institute is home to over 130 graduate students and faculty, located on two floors of mixed-use lab and studio spaces in the heart of Montreal. Students accepted in any graduate program at Concordia are welcome to apply to one several research clusters.
Prospective graduate students are invited to contact possible supervisory faculty well ahead of any deadlines to discuss your potential as a Milieux member as well as advice on a suitable program application.
Indigenous Futures explores how Indigenous people are imagining the future of their families and communities. We are interested in narratives, frameworks, and technologies that help us articulate a continuum between our histories, our present, and the seventh generation and beyond.
Media History is an interdisciplinary research center engaging with the historical development of media change and communication. We focus on nascent, yet robust sub-fields such as media archaeology, variantology, new materialism, circulation theory, and technology writing.
Participatory Media is a hub for research-creation work and co-design concerned with questions of social justice and accessibility. We are committed tinkerers and makers who develop prototypes, devices, workshops and outreach events that bring people together through participatory methods in media creation, discussion and dissemination.
Performing Arts Research Cluster (LePARC) is focused on research and creation in the performing and temporal arts. Our focus includes the creative process, new collaborative practices, sound and music, acting, participatory performance, and intermedia performance, among many others.
Post Image brings together artists and researchers involved in the creation, production, and reflection around current and future image-based media. Our members investigate the many aspects of visual representation around the themes of identity, narrative, history/memory, cultural production and environmental issues.
Speculative Life works to develop the systemic study and creation of emerging technologies with a focus on complexity and futurity. We are artists, designers, ethnographers and scholars engaging with questions related to infrastructure, “smartness,” bacterial technologies, and the planetary-scale transformations currently occurring as a result of human action and technical developments.
Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) research centre has the mandate to develop and expand methods, models and concepts for the analysis, critique and creation of digital games, gameplay and game cultures, as well as to contribute to broader social, political, technical and aesthetic conversations about the shape and direction of contemporary digital culture.
Textiles and Materiality is a place for critical innovation and research creation in textile arts, wearables and material culture. Our members experiment with methods, processes and transdisciplinary modes of thinking to shape the future of textiles, material objects and the mediated body.
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