
I haven't seen a complete template for this, I hope you haven't lost interest.  Please post a complete version of this template that I can copy and paste, or attach it as a separate file.  I don't speak much Spanish, so I can't tell what's wrong or right most of the time.

# wikipedia terms
my $stub = "";
my $template = "";
my $category = "";
my $infobox = "";
my $topLevel = "";  #

# pdpedia terms
my $objectclass = "";

# page headers
my $inlets = "";
my $outlets = "";
my $arguments = "";
my $messages = "";

# infobox
my $name = "";
my $description = "";
my $abbreviation = "";
my $library = "";
my $author = "";
my $developer = "";
my $releaseVersion = "";
my $releaseDate = "";
my $dependencies = "";
my $license = "";
my $website = "";
my $programmingLanguage = "";
my $platform = "";
my $operatingSystem = "";
my $language = "";
my $dataType = "";
my $distributions = "";
my $status = "";


On Oct 2, 2007, at 3:52 PM, Vircy Parker wrote:


# wikipedia terms
$stub = "borrador";

I couldnt' find the wikipedia work for "stub":

It seems to be:

 ok, it seem to be Esbozo

$template = "plantilla";
$category = "categoría";
$infobox = "cuadro informativo";

These are straight from wikipedia.  I think they use the term "Infobox":

ok, our custom are full of anglicism. :)


# pdpedia terms
$objectclass = "clase de objeto";
# page headers
$inlets = "inlets";
$outlets = "inlets";

"inlets" for both?  in French and Portuguese, they used "entrada" and "salida" (whatever those terms are in those languages, I forget), so maybe that's appropriate in Spanish too.


Not, excuse me:
$inlets = "inlets";
$outlets = "outlets";

I like more entrada (entry) , salida (exit), but in pd-microworld inlet and oulet are already memes.

$arguments = "argumentos";
$messages = "mensajes";

# infobox
$name = "nombre";
$description = "descripción";
$abbreviation = "abreviación";
$library = "librería";
$author = "autor";
$developer = "desarrollador";
$releaseVersion = "número de versión";
$releaseDate = "fecha de la versión";
$dependencies = "dependencias";
$license = "licencia";
$website = "página web";
$programmingLanguage = "lenguaje de programación";
$platform = "plataforma";
$operatingSystem = "sistema operativo";
$language = "ldioma";
$dataType = "Tipo de dato";
$distributions = "distribuciones";

Note: Inlets and oulets  could be transtaled like "entradas" and "salidas", but...  as the most anglicism pehaps is best don't translate



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