Thanks Roman

Can you be more specific?

This is the Max FluidWaveform~

And this is its SuperCollider equivalent:

You can draw a waveform, a time series, markers, etc

I’m trying to not have to write a GUI object… in the other 2 we are harvesting native technologies (JS in Max and the GUI stuff of SC) And we try to enable discussion on machine listening and machine learning across Creative Coding Environment so we kept a maximum of parity between the code bases. 8 combinations of oses and CCEs.

An array of data structure rectangles doesn't sound that bad. Why are
you looking for another way?

Because if I have a spectrogram of 400 pixels by 200 pixels, the struct drawing was taxing the machine quite a lot. Actually 100 smaller than that it was taxing the machine…

But maybe I got it wrong. Obviously I’m not aiming at parity of features, but just having a spectrogram layer I could tap would be ace.