On 2018-04-19 23:11, Ed Kelly via Pd-list wrote:
> verbose...
> tried...(all pd search paths)...and failed
> tried...(current directory)...and failed
it seems that you are making it deliberately hard to help... :-)
does Pd find your external?
if so, does it print an error message? (raise verbosity in the
Pd-console to "DEBUG" as well).
> I will probably work it out sooner or later. The only external functions I'm using are fabs() from <math.h> and fft_mayer/ifft_mayer from m_pd.h
for fabs() you must link against libm.
also, if the *only* external function you are using from m_pd.h is
[i]fft_mayer(), then it is pretty clear that the external cannot load:
you need at least class_new() and pd_new() as well...