2016-06-27 12:41 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>:
From reading the email, seems there are attempts to solve many of the issues like right clicking and getting into a properties window, which I think it's impressive and I'd like to see that as I still cannot quite grasp how it'd be possible.

whatever trick for the properties window, seems to rely on the library I'm not getting in Pd 0.42-5, but I assume it opens some patch to edit a few things, as it seems quite impossible to do an actual preference windows in the same familiar way as other GUIS, where you can browse through the colors you want in different ways.
Nonetheless, some GUI functionalities are still only possible with an external.

I could mention a few, but I'm writing too much already. Anyway, one of such functionality would be to be able to resize the GUI just by entering on edit mode and then doing some click and dragging. I will assume this one doesn't have it as I can't imagine how that's possible with dynamic patching. 
