c_autospigot - pass a signal only if it's above an amplitude thresholdc_midiplay - midifile player (requires mrpeach [midifile])c_nstep - arbitrary length bang sequence playerc_playlist - manage a playlist from a text filec_qseq - sequencer interface to qlistc_spigot - toggle a signal without clicking
e_3bandeq - dj-style 3 band equalizere_moog - moog style resonant low pass filter (requires ggee)e_powdist - pow based distortione_ringmod - ring modulation
g_scope - simple oscilloscope guig_spectroscope - frequency spectrum guig_vu - mono vu meterg_vu2 - stereo vu meter
m_ctlin - ctlin that can learn it's ctl num & channelm_fadtodb - convert fader scale to vu dbm_mavg - moving average filterm_scalefilter - filter notes based on a given scale
s_303 - roland tb 303 style bass synth (requires ggee)s_crossfm - cross frequency modulation synths_crossfmpm - cross frequency / phase modulation synths_crosspm - cross phase modulation synths_sample - one shot sample player
u_allnotesoff - send noteoff for all midi notesu_count - up/down counteru_demux2 - demultiplex from 1 inlet between 2 outletsu_list2symbol - convert a list into a symbolu_mux2 - multiplex between 2 inlets to 1 outletiu_openclose - open and close patches via filename (requires ggee)u_remote - send remote messages to state saving objectsu_savestate - save & load scene state settingsu_tabdump - dump the contents of a table as a listu_tabset - set the contents of a table via a list