Hi Jonathan,
amazing work.
Something that I see during some trial:
-) apart Gem and Pdp that I understand are "properly" not loaded, toxy, flib, flatspace and pidip are not loaded (maybe wanted, just a report...)
-) [array] and all stuff related [array define array1] are not created: array ...couldn't create
-) so I put from menu an array; the first one that I created doesn't appear even if prints his name on console. the second one appears, but it starts on console to print:
Old command at g_array.c:1355:pdtk_select_all_gop_widgets .x101850c00 100828000 0
Error: couldn't find iemgui prop group for y-scale
Error: couldn't find iemgui prop group for x2
Error: couldn't find iemgui prop group for y-pix
Error: couldn't find iemgui prop group for y-margin
-) I finally loaded my sample and it exceeds the array limit (but I see something related on bug tracker)
Moreover, I try some mine external and they works properly...
So, again amazing work and hope that my report can be useful. Maybe you already know this stuff and this is a waste of time: in this case sorry!
Best regards,