2016-03-30 4:53 GMT-03:00 IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>:
[Scope~] did solve the nameclash after all, even if you build cyclone as
a set of single-object-externals and deployed on a case-insensitive

well, we don't need to solve that anymore. And by the way, nowadays also Scope~ loads as scope~ since - if I'm not mistaken - Pd Extended 0.43 (cyclone version 0.1alpha56), where this change happened.

So, what did this change actually changed? Say someone started using [scope~] nowadays, may this object not instantiate somewhere with  alpha56+ cyclone versions? Why and how?

And what would change if the official name restores to scope~ (with Scope~ being called the way "scope~" is now?
