Hi Alexandre,

The 64-bit version of LyonPotpourri should be considered experimental. Some of it works and some of it is broken. I'll revisit the project once Pd 64-bit switches over to 64-bit processing.

Anyone is welcome to compile these externals for deken. Unfortunately I don't have time to be directly involved in this project.


On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eric, I'll open this thread here on the pd list too so I can request that fftease/potpurri on your git https://github.com/ericlyon stuff be on deken, in the pdcon talk you didnt seem to know the procedure, maybe other people in the list can help you. Fred Jan started this link on the Pd site, maybe it helps http://puredata.info/docs/Deken . If you cant do it for some reason, would be ok for someone else to do it? But I assume you have to involved somehow.

I'll also report that lyonpotpourri3.0-64bit didnt work for my 0.47-1 vanilla 64 bits in mac os 10.12.1 and that I couldn't get fftease (only 32 biuts available) in the 32 bit vanilla version (or extended)
