Greetings all,

I have just started messing with the video in on my Linux laptop and have encountered some problems with Gem:

*The OS is Ubuntu Hoary, Pd 0.38, and Gem 0.90.

*I am using ADVC-100 ieee1394 interface which allows me to connect any S-Video device to my laptop. The device works fine with Kino (dvgrab).

*My /dev folder includes /dev/raw1394 and /dev/video1394/0

*All of the stuff is installed TTBOMK properly.

*When using Gem, I cannot get the video to work as I do not have v4l devices available (/dev/video0) with this device, and the ieee1394 devices Gem looks for under /dev/ieee1394/dv/host<x>/<y>/in which obviously fails on my system. The exact error in the terminal is:
/dev/ieee1394/dv/host0/PAL/in: No such file or directory

*I tried linking /dev/raw1394 to /dev/video0 (I am not sure as to what is the difference between the two, so this may have been stupid--nonetheless I tried it just to cover all possibilities) and then using ../gem/examples/ tutorial generates one complaint: get capabilities: Invalid argument and I get no video. All permissions should be properly set on the devices/links (root:video 660).

*I tried using latest vloopback driver (0.97) and when I modprobe it, I get /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 devices (81,0). However, connecting to them yields following in PD:

ieee1394 for linux
Direct Rendering enabled!
GEM: Start rendering
pix_videoNEW: starting transfer
cap: name Video loopback 0 input type 0 channels 1 maxw 0 maxh 0 minw 20 minh 20
picture: brightness 32768 depth 32768 palette 0
channel 0 name Composite1 type 2 flags 0
setting to channel 0
buffer size -1397530602, frames 2, offset 0 -698765301
wanted format is 0x1908
setting cmcapture to 0x0    5
now trying standard palette 0
closing video
pix_texture: not using client storage

In addition, the terminal also spits out: VIDIOCMCAPTURE: Invalid argument

*I tried using dc1394_vloopback  with various settings including:
dc1394_vloopback --video1394=/dev/video1394/0 --vloopback=/dev/video0
but that simply tells me "no cameras found :(" no matter what settings I try (I also made sure that the vloopback driver was unloaded).

I am not aware of any other way to bridge ieee1394 feed and v4l, nor am I sure as to how to force pix_video to use different ieee1394 source (not sure whether this even works with the advc-100).

*I tried accessing Gem CVS to see if there were any changes since the 0.90, but the CVS seems to be inaccessible:
cvs -z3 login
Logging in to
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from M -!- Project map lookup failed ()

So, I have pretty much run out of ideas and I was hoping that someone might be able to help me out with this one, namely:

1) Is there a way to use my ADVC-100 to stream video to PD/Gem?
2) If there is no native way to do that is there a way to use vloopback or some similar method to channel its feed into the v4l format?
3) any other ideas/suggestion (other than spending money and buying myself a new <whatever> :-)

I would greatly appreciate assistance in this matter!

Best wishes,
