On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 4:54 AM, Jerome Covington <info@thespacebetweenthewords.org> wrote:
Are there any recommendations on netbook/audio interface combinations
for further development and performance using pd?

I am at the moment OS agnostic.

Hi Jerome,

i'm on a not-so-new ASUS Eee 1000 HD, and happy, although this is not my main machine. (A Netbook is not to be a main machine imho)

OS is EeeBuntu (i'm afraid i will be discontinued) with Array.org kernel which runs really FAST on this slow box.

I've recently bought an inexpensive Burr-Brown USB-SPdif interface (output only) for the netbook which runs out-of-the-box with linux and sounds very nice. And it's very small.
(NB newer netbooks have SPdif out built in.)
