I took a look at it. It is nice to be able to handle the results right next to the query, but I find the send/receive as first argument confusing. I think the objects should use inlets and outlets and then people who want to use send/receive could it themselves. I can understand wanting to handle the queries separately from each other, but I think this can be accomplished using standard Pd message handling methods (lists, [route], etc). I'll try to come up with a working sketch soon.
I think that the database object could have a data and a status outlet, like [hid]. Then the status info could all be handled centrally wherever the single sqlite object, then data would be routed to where it needs to go. Real world examples would be good to have now, I suppose we can look to see how people are using [pool] and PDContainer, or even [sqlsingle] and the Max MySQL object.
About "addsemi" I am starting to think that it should really only be there for specific circumstances and not for regular use. I think that if you execute a sql query by sending the data thru, it should just use whatever is in the SQL cold inlet buffer and add a semi-colon to it. Also, I think it would be good to avoid using semi-colons inside of the SQL in object boxes (i.e. like in the [sql_query] example that I posted). This makes each sql_query a single SQL statement, which I think is quite clear, plus it could be tricky implementing the semi-colon handling.
Anyway, those are some rambling thoughts. It's great to see progress on this, hopefully we can get some people to try out the sketches to see what actually works.
On Dec 27, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Mike McGonagle wrote:
Hello all,
Just wanted to let you know that I have posted the latest "findings" on this external... basically, it is set up with two distinct objects, one the represents the Database connection [SQLdb], and a SQL query [SQLquery].
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—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -David Zicarelli