Hi y'all. 
I tried my hand at making a tone-cluster patch similar to Akihiko Matsumoto's http://www.youtube.com/user/akihikotube#p/u/23/g5d0kodosl8. I think my initial problem is that I would like to access all frequencies, not just those in the chromatic scale. Also, it seems to me that I would need one oscillator per note, which is ridiculous if you want to make something isn't that CPU intensive. Looking at it again it seems that he could could be using a random number generator to send values to [mtof] and using a single oscillator and reverb to hold the notes. If anyone has any ideas please let me know, I'll keep trying an post my results.

P.S. I also tried contacting Akihiko to ask him about the patch but no response.
www.avmachinists.org Puerto Rico based Art Collective/ Non-Profit Org