Thank you everyone. The wiringPi objects now load. Changing the names from l_arm to pd_linux and then running pd as sudo was the solution as far as I can tell.

Objects in help files are loading (haven't checked actual functionality yet) in PD 43.2 and 46.6.

Luis: Pd_darwin is Mac architecture. I just mistyped in my last message!

On Jul 6, 2015 11:50 PM, "Jaime E Oliver" <> wrote:
El 06/07/2015, a las 8:52 p.m., Jaime E Oliver <> escribió:

the externals will crash pd if it isn't opened with sudo.
What do you mean with external crash? do you refer the wiringPi externals?
yes. you need sudo level to access the gpio with those externals and will crash if you don't start pd as sudo.