Yep Alessio. It's time to mean business. So I volunteer
1. Identify which externals to include in the repo (for linux users, the folder /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra can be a good starting point)
The Pd extended libraries is a good starting point for all OS users, I guess. Not that I love all that there is there. IMHO there's a lot of junk. Even in the libraries I've mentioned I can't live without and are considered to be more stable I see some issues. Most of all, I'm usually unhappy about some help files that are quite crappy (like incomplete, sometimes the help files don't even work and you have to tweak them to hear something).
Other stuff I see, for example... just yesterday I learned about a new object for me, [LFO_noise~], and it's not working properly (it's frequency is twice than it should be). Other than that, it is redundanct, there are also two other objects that do exactly the same: [rand~] from cyclone and [noisi~] from zexy. I'd say just throw this "extra not working properly one away".
So I can volunteer to manage some of these libraries and rewrite the help files so that they are also vanilla compatible (that is, they don't call objects from other libraries, other than the ones from the same library).
I can't code! And I've compiled anything only a couple of times in my life. So I can't really help much with coding, and that's why I'd rather throw something away that doesn't properly work and has alternatives from other libraries. But I don't oppose if someone wants to fix stuff. I remember it wasn't exactly rock science to compile libraries, so I guess I can try and do it for the latest MAC OS systems on intel machines.