On 6 January 2017 at 00:49, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
On 01/05/2017 10:26 PM, Esa Ruoho wrote:
> after numerous mistakes, i was able to (i think) get this to work somehow.
> i'm not sure if foo = plom, but i put tabread4~ and array size as plom (as
i think my patch has only two magic values:
- "foo" is the table name
- "0.0166666666" is the playback speed.

I will switch the 0.0166666 = $1 and try and feed it from the calculations (i.e. the number that the pd-script already provides elsewhere).

> that's the original material). i am able to now feed the phasor~ playback
> speed into the [/ 0.016666] -2nd port, and if i tap on start, and wait a
> while and tap on stop, i get a type of sound.
the idea is to just click on "bang" (at the top of my patch), and it
will simulatenously start playback and recording and then stop recording
once the table has been played back.

weirdly enough, after trying to replicate it ( see screenshto http://imgur.com/a/oD2C5 ) it still does not seem to work. what am i missing between transcribing pd-mailinglist-info to pd-vanilla? is there some glaring mistake somewhere? :)
> it's not in the same pitch as
> what i'm hearing, so what i hear isn't quite what i get, but it's
this is most likely because the samplerate settings of your patch, your
soundcard and/or the soundfile do not match.

I'll have to see what samplerate soundflower is operating at and match somehow.

> definitely a step in the right direction. i took a screenshot of what i
> ended up with, if that helps.
> http://imgur.com/a/Gu6bz
i would advise you to learn to use abstractions.

what are they? i've thus far worked on a single screen instead of hatching things inside [pd sampleplayer], just so that when i start recycling pitched-array to replace osc~, things don't go all complex with multiple inlets and outlets. i guess i could try and figure out how to use abstractions to create those time-date filenames, but am trying to tackle the pitched-down-sample-diskwriting first and then start attacking the "retain long-path" + "generated filename" = pack = feed to writesf~ open-dialog..