On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 10:05 +0100, Georg Holzmann wrote:
> Hallo!
> > i imported both libraries (see log below) but still no luck
> > define speakers and mtx_*~ are still m.i.a.
> > ideas?
> because you probably imported the libs after the other objects.
> Try to load the libraries at pd startup (e.g. in your pd settings or
> with a startup flag).
since you are using pd-extended version 0.40.x you could alternatively
use [declare -sdtpath extra/iemmatrix] and [declare -sdtpath
extra/vbap]. [declare] makes sure to add pathes / load libraries at
patch start before any other object is instantiated. if you want to
stick with [import], cut and paste your whole patch except the [import]
objects and save it. on next patchload [import] should be instantiated
before other objects. while we are at it, i would like to note, that
[declare] is part of pd itself and will work on any installation of pd.
personally and for portability reasons, i think it is in any case
preferable to let a patch load its dependencies itself (a.k.a using
[import] or [declare]) instead of adding the pathes to the global search
pathes (a.k.a pd settings / startup flags). this will make your patch
work on any system independently from the configuration of the current
system. and it makes it easier for other users to guess what libraries
are missing.
> >
> > define_loudspeakers 3 -45 0 45 0 0 45 180 45
> > ... couldn't create
> > define_loudspeakers 2 -45 45 135 -135
> > ... couldn't create
> > mtx 8 3
> > ... couldn't create
> > mtx_*~ 8 3 20
> > ... couldn't create
> > rvbap 0 0
> > ... couldn't create
> > rvbap 0 0
> > ... couldn't create
> > rvbap 0 0
> > ... couldn't create
> > libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the canvas-local path
> > [import] loaded library: iemmatrix
> > vbap: already loaded
> > [import] loaded library: vbap
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