i think moving it to the bottom or renaming the source code link is a good idea. maybe just rename the source link to 'Get PD Source Code For All Platforms'. the gray colored 'Source tarball' can be missed if you're in a hurry.


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Joel Matthys <jwmatthys@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, I totally understand the political argument for placing src first. I guess the debate comes down to how far we want to go to make things easier for new users. To me, this seems like a move that may help avoid confusion and frustration among new users, a very important demographic for the future of the project, and it doesn't seem like it would be a violation of our FOSS philosophy.

On the other hand, I *don't* support the idea of putting all of the "major" platforms at the top. Start with BSD, by all means. For me, it's just the phrase "all platforms" at the top of the page that caused the confusion.


On 09/30/2012 10:20 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 09/30/2012 01:36 PM, Antonio Roberts wrote:
If the proposed change means that I can save five or more minutes then
I fully support moving the source code download to the bottom of the
so which one should be first? bsd?

(personally i prefer src as first entry for political reasons; otoh, a
system like on sourceforge, where the top-download is determined based
on the client's OS might be most helpful; however, i don't know how to
implement that in the current framework)


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