I am running pd 0.39.2-extended-test5 under linux ubuntu 6.06 and arduino. I have compiled and loaded the firmware and the Arduino IDE and it  works perfect but I am having problems interfacing PD.

I have  used this bash trick to get the port for comport:
i=0; for f in `ls /dev/tty[US]*`; do echo $i i=$(( $i + 1 )); done
and I have port 52 for /dev/ttyUSB0 (that only appears when arduino is plugged).
When I change the arduino-test.pd port using  "open 52" I have this message:
comport open -1209511136, baud -1209511136 not valid (args: [portnum] [baud])
and it is the same with other ports.

I have tried to change labels using "ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS96" but I don't succeed. At least, comport opens dev/ttyS0 but it's not my arduino board, do you know where is my problem?

Thank's a lot

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