Thank you for your help,
I just realized that the problem was somewhere I hadn't think of in the first place: the name of the folder that contained the file had a forbiden sign (an accent). I removed the accent and now the file plays well. It's interesting to know that such a mistake can freeze Pd's GUI without affecting the audio...

From: András Murányi
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 6:48 PM
To: PD List
Cc: David Schaffer
Subject: Re: [PD] 24 bit / 96 k issue

OK, for latest version you shall have (a self-built one from CVS or) the latest autobuild from
As i hardly ever do audio in Pd i only have this vague memory from the list that [readanysf] has recently undergone much development and is very capable when it comes to massive WAV files.


On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 9:21 PM, David Schaffer <> wrote:
I'm on WIn XP, latest version of PD extended and I'm loading the file with soundfiler and wrinting it to two arrays. The file is 24bits 96Khz stéréo. THe same object reads 16bits 44.1 khz without a problem.
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 23:49:56 +0200
Subject: Re: [PD] 24 bit / 96 k issue

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 11:41 PM, David Schaffer <> wrote:
Hi there,
 I'm trying to use 96 k/24 bits WAV file in pd for the first time and something weird is happening: when I open such a file, I get an "no such oject" error in the console, althou I haven't  put any unknown object in my patch, then, some GUI elements freeze (knobs, faders...) and I can't use my patch anymore (but the sound seems to play). "Find last error" doesn't lead me anywhere.
Can anyone telle me what's going on or explain me how one to deal with 96k 24 bits sounds in Pd (setup changes, soundcard settings...) I've noticed that switching pd to 96k mode in Pd doesn't affect my ASIO soundcard's settings (it stil shows 16bits, 44100 hz) so I'm kind of mixed up...
Thank you

Hello David,

which Pd version, which version of Windows or OSX are you using and which object are you trying to load the WAV with?


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Muranyi Andras