Em sex, 26 de jul de 2019 às 21:53, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> escreveu:

Em sex, 26 de jul de 2019 às 18:09, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> escreveu:
Am 26. Juli 2019 17:14:24 MESZ schrieb Matt Davey <hard.off@gmail.com>:
>yeah i couldn't see what happens either.

ah well. those messages are for the old vdial object, which is another (and deprecated) flavour of vradio.

just instantiate the object as `[vdl]` and try again.

by looking at the code, it seemed there was the intention that it could also take effect on the new incarnation

nope, having a closer look, the answer is no, [hradio] should not interact with these messages - so probably just remove them. On the other hand, the way it used to be has a nice use case where you can control toggles and turn one off when turning a new on... but that would be a feature addition to add this functionality to the new [hradio] button.