# Adding a delay worked well. But something is surprising. The [delay] have to be longer than 0.1 to block this oscillating behavior. I'm attaching a patch (delaykey.pd) which shows the implementation. I think X11 gives the "key pressed" message in every 40 msec's or something. So 0.1 delay is not enough to block these messages.
# and I'm attaching the abstracion I was using in Windows too. (keybin.pd, keybin-help.pd)

On 5/29/07, Claude Heiland-Allen <claudiusmaximus@goto10.org> wrote:
ugur guney wrote:
> # When I press and hold a key, after a short time [keyup] starts to output
> the number of that key repeatedly (before releasing it). In Windows it only
> outputs the key no when a key is released.

It's just the way X11 works, as far as I understand it.  I did a test
with GridFlow, and the same thing happens (console log from attached patch):

Here the first number is the elapsed time since the previous event
(measured in Pd logical time).  It would be possible to patch up
something that would discard any "keyrelease immediately-followed-by
keypress for the same key" pairs that occur with an elapsed time of 0
(hint: it would use [delay 0.1] or so, maybe even [delay 0] would work).
  The last keyrelease would be delayed a little, but it would either be
unnoticeable with [delay 0.1] or at exactly the same logical time with
[delay 0]