> What intrigues me is that Purr Data (or Pd-l2ork) does load "Deja Vu Sans Mono" for all platforms and even so the patch does not look "bad" like that, as an example,
> I'm attaching a print screen from pd-l2ork in Linux (4-l2ork.png), to show that it doesn't look like the linux part of the image from 1-MACxLINUX.png

> So, I'm a little confused as why using this "deja vu" font does promote such a visual difference in vanilla (as shown in linux and windows) but not in Pd-l2ork or
> Purr Data (and maybe even extended). I consider it a "bug", an important issue on how patches behave in cross platforms, even if it is just a visual (font display) issue.

Purr Data includes a particular version of "Deja Vu Sans Mono" with it.  It loads it through the @font-face CSS interface, so you get
that font regardless of whether you've installed Purr Data or not.
