Dear list,
I've been using Pd-extended in Ubuntu LTS (12.04) a lot lately, and a couple of bugs are beginning to get on my nerves...
first it randomly crashes and also crashes X (i get a black screen, and after a few seconds i'm prompted for my password to log into my session again), whenever I'm typing something in an object box (i haven't been able to figure out exaclty what character was causing this, it really looks random to me).
I also get constant error messages in the console when using JACK (JACKerror: Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/55)(1: Operation not permitted)
JACKerror: JackClient::AcquireSelfRealTime error). The sound works sometimes though, but Pd also freezes every once in a while. I also get error messages with Alsa.
I have installed Pd-extended from the Ubuntu repos. It seems to be the same version as the one available on