Hi list,

Having fired the two largest email chains I've seen in pd-list (standalone instruments - multiple (same) ..), I felt sort of obligaded to see what is being said on them as it reached fields I don't understand yet.
(btw, what is the infamous ==20)?

As a solution to my problem, considering the multible objects I took the first answer that I got (althought not tested yet) but, as the chain mail grew, my insecurity about the fist solution being the optimal grew alike (Frank I WILL test it, promise)!

Although I'm not confortable with programming, and not completely undestand what is said in the current chain mail, I have a proposition for the problem we are all facing.

Could we, when we summon (god, I like this word) an abstraction pass an abstraction-patch name which will affect the string/variable name of the setting included in the abstraction?

What I mean ....

We have an abstraction called myabs which includes a structure like this:

| |     \
| |           \
|-|                 \
  \                        \
    \                            \
      [sssad volume $var]
| |     \
| |           \
|-|                 \
  \                        \
    \                            \
      [sssad pitch $var]

Now, in the patch, we SUMMON two instances of myabs abstraction thus:

[myabs one]   [myabs two]

So the sssad admin receives volume one, pitch one, volume two, pitch two.

What would you think?

if what I said is #$%#^#%, plz don't beat me up!



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