2011/4/5 Mathieu Bouchard
Is this serious ? I don't know much about recent physics, but this doesn't sound like the same 10-dimensional system as is being talked about in string theory, for example. I mean the dimensions beyond the first four.
Additionally, talking about all possible timelines as being only one extra dimension, is something really weird to me. With the usual expectations of connectedness and metrics, possible worlds that are similar to each other ought to be close to each other in the space of all possibilities, and there are lots of things that can vary, so, you need a lot of dimensions to go with all those possibilities. Probably billions of billions of... I don't know.
But GridFlow's dimensions are a lot more mundane than that. I can have one dimension for rows-of-rows and columns-of-columns, that is, groupings of rows and columns. That was for the purpose of making mosaďcs. Usually, and in that case, time is not a dimension in GridFlow, though it can be, as in remap_video.pd and nervous_video.pd.
Yeah, i'm really uneducated in these topics but it seems this video is more sci-fi than science... it is intriguing, nevertheless.
What I heard is that quantum-physics and string theories have not been matched with each other yet, and to do so, you might need infinite-dimension spaces indeed (or a brave simplification, in which direction the video is an attempt).
Time being a dimension is perfectly ok, however - but that's not any news.