don't even remember cause I stopped messing with it because of them, but I did discuss about them sometime ago here on the list, with joão pais, the bottom line is that they were indeed buggy like that and that you had to cope with it.
2014-11-17 2:50 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes <>:
On 11/16/2014 10:55 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
my two cents is that the data structures are still a bit buggy to work on. Just hoped they'd be more stable, other than that, can't relate to the commotion, cheers
What kinds of bugs are you running into?
2014-11-13 13:45 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list <>:
It's certainly possible. There's a Pd-l2ork script for creating a "vanilla" tarball with the l2ork changes in it, so I guess you could try dropping the src and extra from that into libpd's pure-data directory and see what happens.
But I don't know much about libpd.
On Thursday, November 13, 2014 4:38 AM, i go bananas <> wrote:
in relation to Pd-l2ork,
guys, what's the status of having a 'libpd' for l2ork??? is that possible?
sorry for going off topic...but it is something i have wanted to ask for ages.
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 6:33 PM, i go bananas <> wrote:
that's kinda what i thought....
but really, come on...pd's interface is it's weakest point. When miller started working on the data structures, libpd and all that didn't even exist. But now, we can just farm out that sort of stuff to other programs.
Compared to the amount of effort it takes to learn them, and how effective they actually are, data structures are just too un-economical.
in nearly 15 years of their existence, i think i can still count on both hands how many good implementations of them i have seen.
look, i LOVE pd and couldn't live without it....but it just seems like any minute spent on data structures is a minute that could be way better spent on other stuff.
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 3:54 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig <> wrote:
_______________________________________________On 11/12/2014 03:33 PM, i go bananas wrote:
> couldn't that work be put to better use?
depends on your definition of "better".
if i understand correctly, "data structures" have been _the_ motivation
for writing Pd (as opposed to continue with max), so i think we owe them :-)
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