Midi sound not working on my PD, works on Max


I just startet with PD. 
And using PD extended on macbookpro i manage to do simple sound stuf with "~osc" and even in GEM i manage to do things.
Only thing now is the midi sound  is not hapening.
I donīt undestand whatīs wrong because i manage to have  midi sounds on Max/MSP and even comunicating to external virtual instrumets program FM8.

Iīm not used to do things with midi and donīt even have a midi keybord or controler...

But i wold think i need to have a message with "60" a "makenote 80 1000" and  a "noteout 1" ( itīs wat iīm using) 
on my mac midi and audio configuration  IAC driver on bus 1 is using chanel in1  out1
What else do i need to configure to make sound happen?