Hans look at ARandaR, it will let you place the outputs where you want.

Patrick, maybe it needs to be linux, because it needs to be reliable, something very hard to achieve in windows machine (by my own experience...)

2010/6/3 Pagano, Patrick <pat@digitalworlds.ufl.edu>
Does it have to be linux?
I have 5 contiguous 1400x1050 x x x x x  giving 7000x1050 in Winxp, if  you are using GEM windows might be a solution

-----Original Message-----
From: pd-list-bounces@iem.at [mailto:pd-list-bounces@iem.at] On Behalf Of Hans-Christoph Steiner
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:08 PM
To: cyrille henry
Cc: PD list
Subject: Re: [PD] many DVI ports with Debian/Ubuntu and Gem

The screens we are currently specing are 1080p, so each output should
be able to do 1080.  The idea is to have 10 contiguous screens all in
a line show one Gem space.  They can show up on the computer as
contiguous or separate screens, that doesn't matter, I can handle the
difference in Gem.  I think it might be easier to have them show up as
separate screens.

I can break it up across multiple computers if that's easier, I'm
mostly trying to reduce the expense.  I am just showing images, so not
heavy on the CPU/GPU.


On Jun 3, 2010, at 4:37 PM, cyrille henry wrote:

> hello,
> with things like doublehead2go, or triplehead2go  :
> http://www.matrox.com/graphics/fr/products/gxm/th2go/
> you can easily have lot's of screen on 1 computer.
> (downside is that the screen are only horizontal)
> i made a 6 screen installation with a 400€ desktop having good
> performance.
> (GPU was a NVIDIA 9600 or something : only use nvidia gpu on linux
> if you need good performance and are not afraid of proprietary
> driver).
> but what is the resolution of the screen?
> to have a screen disposition like this :
> x x x
> x x x
> is less a problem than like this :
> x x x x x x
> The size of openGL windows is hardware limited. usually 4096x4096,
> but can go up to 8192x8192 with GPU having lot's of memory (go for
> 1go video Ram).
> cyrille
> Le 03/06/2010 19:23, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
>> I am looking into doing a 10 screen installation using Pd/Gem. I'd
>> like
>> to run it on as few computers as possible. Anyone have any
>> recommendations for Debian or Ubuntu setups that can have like many
>> DVI
>> ports in one computer?
>> .hc
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and
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>> that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for
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