Le 2012-03-23 à 04:09:00, Angakok Thoth a écrit :
For example, this shade of red:
Red=192. Green=0, Blue=0
- (192*65536) - (0 * 256) - (0) = -12582912
If I make a messagebox |color -12582912[ and send it to the togglebox, i
get bright blue. what am I doing wrong? for most shades of colours it
seems to be working OK, but not for this one and not for some others.
You're supposed to also subtract 1 to the whole thing.
I tried even that, but it was totally the same.
In the meantime I found that the formula work ok if I use it directly, but when I put it in messagebox, the colour is changed.
I don't know, but also the fact, the PD rewrites my messagebox to |color
-1.25829e+007[ after save, seems suspicious to me. Is PD rounding the
numbers in messageboxes? (the new form seems to be missing few digits)
Yes, it is rounding numbers and this destroy part of the precision that
the internal float format has. For this reason, I recompute those
numbers everytime I use them, but there's another reason as well :
separate r,g,b numbers is easier to understand when reading and
modifying patches.
Yes,yes. That is the problem. Thanks.
Seems that I'll have to repatch all my color stuff this way.
I have to say it's kinda awful to HAVE TO do that because of this weird
rounding "feature" and there are already too many workarounds in my
I think I'll try to count the numbers only once (on loadbang), and store
them into float object that i'll bang when I need the number and don't
need to recount everytime before use. (not simple thing to do, while I need this loadbang happen sooner than a loadbang that is redrawing my
toggleboxes using those color numbers. Will have to switch to
having only one loadbang in whole patch and "t b b b b b" after it,
sending to various parts of the patch. Just because of this stupid bug). So, I think I know what I can do, to make it work... but still, I
just don't get it. Shouldn't the messagebox just leave the number as is /
as it would be a text? What an awful feature. There also can't be any
aesthetic reason for it, while the messageboxes doesn't even show up
when in GOP, which is another 'feature' of messageboxes that I fail to
understand. ((not sure if worth posting in another topic, but what is
the point, of having messageboxes invisible in GOP? I can move
messagebox away from GOP zone if I don't want to see it.. If I have the
message box it the GOP zone, then I probably want it visible to be
visible, so i'm able to write in it and click it. Would be a nice
addition to the small set of objects that can be used for building the
thanks and regards,