For Mac, I set up custom IAC in/out ports for PureData and use Midi Patchbay to connect other apps to them.

On Linux, there is always aconnect & aconnectgui or, if you're using jack, qjackctl.

On Oct 29, 2012, at 2:05 AM, wrote:

From: Björn Eriksson <>
Subject: Re: [PD] Routing MIDI on windows machines?
Date: October 29, 2012 2:04:43 AM EDT
To: "Pagano, Patrick" <>, Pd - list <>

Thanks, looks promising. I will test them both!

I used MIDI yoke long time ago but it seems that it is not updated any
more for newer windows os.

The MIDI router question is for recommendations for students of mine.
I run also Ubuntu sometimes but never or very seldom OSX. Maybe it
could be something to have on Pd web site with some recommendations
about this as I guess it is something that many new users wants to
start exploring - to use Pd as a MIDI engine for other softwares!?

So to extend a little what is the best MIDI routers (in general) for




All the best,

Dan Wilcox