Here's a portion of a startup script I use:


echo "rc_starts_pd: strating pd"
pd -rt -nogui -alsa -audiodev 4 -audiobuf 10 -alsamidi $PATCH &

# renice pd for much higher priority
renice -10 $(pidof pd)

# wait for pd to initialize
KA=$(aconnect -i -o | grep "Pure Data")
while [ "$KA" = "" ]
sleep 1
echo "rc_starts_pd: pd alsamidi not ready"
KA=$(aconnect -i -o | grep "Pure Data")
echo "rc_starts_pd: pd alsmidi is ready"

# connect the UA-25 midi to Pure Data
echo "rc_starts_pd: alsa midi connect 'UA-25' <-> 'Pure Data'"
aconnect 'UA-25' 'Pure Data'
aconnect 'Pure Data':1 'UA-25':0

# connect the VIEWCON dongle midi to Pure Data
echo "rc_starts_pd: alsa midi connect 'VIEWCON..' <-> 'Pure Data'"
aconnect 'VIEWCON..' 'Pure Data'
aconnect 'Pure Data':1 'VIEWCON..':0


It starts Pd, then waits until the PD midi device is registered with ALSA before trying to connect two Midi devices: UA-25 & VIEWCON..

You could run the script from you ~/.bash_profile which would call it as soon as the user is logged in. I use this:


# do nothing if this is a ssh session
if [ "$SSH_CLIENT" != "" ] ; then



It's important to ignore ssh sessions since, if you're like me, and you want to login to your (wearable) computer via SSH to check something, you don't want to launch a new instance of pd.

On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:37 PM, wrote:

From: Jack <>
Subject: Re: [PD] ALSA MIDI problem
Date: January 21, 2014 at 8:20:27 AM EST
To: "" <>

Ok, I find a solution :

$ aconnect -i
client 0: 'System' [type=noyau]
   0 'Timer           '
   1 'Announce        '
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=noyau]
   0 'Midi Through Port-0'
client 20: 'USB Uno MIDI Interface' [type=noyau]
   0 'USB Uno MIDI Interface MIDI 1'
client 128: 'Pure Data' [type=utilisateur]
   1 'Pure Data Midi-Out 1'

$ aconnect -o
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=noyau]
   0 'Midi Through Port-0'
client 20: 'USB Uno MIDI Interface' [type=noyau]
   0 'USB Uno MIDI Interface MIDI 1'
client 128: 'Pure Data' [type=utilisateur]
   0 'Pure Data Midi-In 1'

then :
$ aconnect 128:1 20:0

Now, how can i keep this configuration each time i reboot my laptop ?


Dan Wilcox