Hallo again,

10k's and clock now at 3.3v but the IC only works at 5v.

Got a bit carried away before - my friend George, who's the sensor co-explorer, is normally only available on Friday's so very much had that Friday feeling - and of course giddy with the sensors all finally working.  Started to lose the plot with it all last weekend and was getting a bit frenzied with my interactions on the breadboard - was probably the wise thing to just put it down for a few days and come back with a clear head.

Think my codes still a bit buggy as I'm only getting one sensor coming into Pd but have 2 sets from the console.

Back to it,


On 9 May 2013 18:41, Martin Peach <martin.peach@sympatico.ca> wrote:
On 2013-05-09 12:25, Julian Brooks wrote:
Hey Martin / all,

Had to put this down for a few days but back at it today.

Finally got it working - huzzah!

That's great!

I changed the c file so that although it's gpio17 it's actually pin 11
(define_SENSOR_SELECT_PIN) and boom!
Why the numbering scheme is so confusing is beyond me but anyway.

Also for us we're running the IC at 5v as well as the 10k resistors on
the clock line.

Unless you have level shifters you should have the 10ks to 3.3V. (Although at 10k, it's probably not too dangerous to go to 5V)

Thanks again Martin - you rock.

Have a great weekend,

Have a great sensation;)
