Ok joao thank you
will do
but now i got the abstractions and still no go!!!?!?!
can you help

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 7:59 PM, João Pais <jmmmpais@googlemail.com> wrote:
If with $0-mem you mean the array inside [graph], it's called $0-mem99, so your objects are sendin the data to the wrong place.

also, you use 2x the same array name. since these events aren't abstractions, $0 has the same value. in the end you have two arrays with the same name, maybe you don't want that?

João Pais

2010/6/12 bernardo amorim <bernardo.amorim@gmail.com>

hello everyone i am trying to make a small patch to work with udmx.
its basically a bunch of sliders (cues stored on txt file) that fade in and out but some how i cant seem to make the arrays $0-mem store and send the values to the ONAIRMEM
can anyone help?
i am not a prog
thanks bern

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