Dan Wilcox, what a surprise that **you** too answer this!

Sounds like you’re going to have to learn *alot* really quickly. There is no *easy way*, especially when you want to distribute things on the various App Stores.
I arrived to the same conclusion.

I’d recommend partnering with a mobile app developer so you can focus on the PD stuff, otherwise you’ll be spending a long time getting the hang of things before you actually get to do the actual app. Trust me.
I trust you. The thing is that, if I find a Mobile app developer, the Pd part will be minimum compared to the rest of the development.

For something simple, quick, and dirty, I’d highly recommend OpenFrameworks.
Yes... in the list, is the most difficult to me. It's "another world".

For platform specific stuff, work with native Android and iOS directly. Both have great frameworks, development environments, documentation, etc. libpd provides project files to build for both. If the core of the work is in the Pd patches themselves and the UI is mainly a thin skin, you could share the same patches and just write the UI natively for both platforms.
More distant frameworks... more "distant worlds"...

- It will send this file, by Bluetooth through the serial port, to the "device”.

This is not possible. Better to use the built in file access (iTunes File sharing over USB, Android SD card) or a mini webserver people can point a browser or FTP program to.
Well, I said "file", but it is data. Most likely 1536 bytes (256*6). If I can't send this data, I won't can send the "start" command and time-to-syncronize commands...
Again, you’re not going to use Bluetooth for this. Or at least you probably *could* but it wouldn’t be as easily done as using something like OSC over a wifi network.
Maybe... I'll ask the device developer.

Using Kivy (http://kivy.org)
I don’t know about this one. You’ll need probably have a harder time setting up libpd to work with it.
It looks very nice. And uses Python. For me, is "nearer".

Using OpenFrameWorks (http://openframeworks.cc/)
This will work out of the box for both iOS and Android with the same core code. You just need to use the Project Generator to create different built files for each platform. It’s perfect for simple things but you will *have* to use native code in order to create native GUIS.
Learning C++ now? No, thank you! :P
